Course Descriptions

Course credits are shown in parenthesis, e.g., (3 credits), following the course title. Lecture courses comprise 1 credit for each 15 hours of face-to-face, 1 credit for each 30 hours of laboratory, and 1 credit for each 45 hours of practicum/internship. All courses are lecture courses unless otherwise indicated.

Search Computer Science Courses

Computer Science Course Descriptions

Click the course name or adjacent to the name to view the course description:

Prerequisite: None
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of biology. It includes cell structure, chemistry and function,
adaptation, and ecology.
issues that entrepreneurs face in sustaining business enterprise.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces the fundamentals of chemistry including atomic and molecular structure, thermo-chemical
changes, and conservation of energy.

Prerequisite: None
This course provides the skills needed to prepare and deliver informative and persuasive speeches. Students will focus
on adapting communication styles and content to diverse speakers and audiences. This course emphasizes how to
compose meaningful and coherent messages, conduct research, and develop effective presentation skills. Students will
be required to deliver several oral presentations in front of the class during the semester.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces core programming basics—including data types, control structures, algorithm development,
and program design with functions—via the Python programming language. The course discusses the fundamental
principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques.
Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and
contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications.

Prerequisite: COMP 110
This course concentrates on the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. Concepts presented are
exemplified using a selected object-oriented programming language. Topics include fundamental abstraction,
modularity and encapsulation mechanisms in OOP, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling,
concurrent programming, data structures. Students complete a term project that utilizes object-oriented

Prerequisite: None
This course first provides a review of computer systems, applications and the Internet; and thereafter discusses the
impacts of technology on society and the responsibilities of technical professionals as the principal agents in
developing and applying new technology. Various important and controversial issues will be discussed, such as
computers and privacy, effects of communications technology on the democratic process, environmental problems,
intellectual property, and technology and war. Several different ethics codes will be used as the basis for discussion
of professional obligations.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces personal skills, talents and abilities, study habits, research methodology, and other soft skills
to help students go through their undergraduate studies with more success.

Prerequisite: None
This course is intended to be a college-level introductory Discrete Mathematics course for either undergraduate or
graduate students. The course focuses on the following seven key topics: Combinatorial Problems and Techniques,
Sets, Relations and Functions, Coding Theory, Graphs, Matching, Counting Techniques, Recurrence Relations and
Generating Functions.

Prerequisite: COMP 110
Design and analysis of the structure and function of modern computer systems. Topics studied include
combinational and sequential logic, number systems and computer arithmetic, hardware design and organization of
CPU, I/O systems and memory systems, instruction set, performance characterization and measurement. Tradeoff
parameters such as performance (speed), hardware complexity (cost), memory footprint and power consumption are
analyzed, current trends and developments in computer architecture and organization.

Prerequisite: COMP 110
The course is an introduction to the fundamentals of operating systems. Topics include concurrent processes and
synchronization mechanisms; processor scheduling; memory management, virtual memory; paging, file
management; input/output management; deadlock management; interrupt structures, interrupt processing; device
management; performance of operating systems; synchronization in a multi-programmed operating systems and
with virtual memory management. Formal principles are illustrated with examples and case studies of one or more
contemporary operating systems.

Prerequisite: COMP 110
This course includes the fundamentals of network standards, concepts, topologies and terminologies of LANs,
WANs, IP addressing, subnet masking and network design, and various protocols (TCP/IP, UDP). This course
teaches concepts of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Networking Reference Model, technologies used in
wireless networking including Bluetooth, WiMAX, and RFID, network cabling, routing Protocols (static and
dynamic) and network switch. Also, this course teaches optical networking and VoIP, network security with
encryption techniques as Public-Key Cryptography and Industrial Networks.

Prerequisite: None
Topics covered in this course include the personal computer hardware and software troubleshooting techniques, the
installation and configuration of operating systems.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces the analysis of algorithms and the effects of data structures on them. Topics include
algorithms selected from areas such as sorting, searching, shortest paths, greedy algorithms, backtracking, divide
and conquer, and dynamic programming. Data structures include heaps and search, splay, and spanning trees.
Analysis techniques include asymptotic worst case, expected time, amortized analysis, solution of recurrence
relation and reductions between problems.

Prerequisite: None
This course covers the fundamentals of computer graphic design, including design principles, digital design
structures, visual perception, hardware devices, and software. Students create and modify graphics and images using
graphics design tools.

Prerequisite: None
The course is an introduction to computer security. Course topics include computer security incident response
process; computer criminal evidence collection, analysis and handling, email investigation, malicious code investigation, network traffic analysis and router investigation, hacker tools analysis, and computer/network forensic
report writing. The course identifies and examines information security threats, information security methods, and
implementation approaches used in information technology industry.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces the fundamental concepts for design and development of database systems. Topics include:
review of relational data model and the relational manipulation languages SQL and QBE; integrity constraints;
logical database design, dependency theory and normalization; query processing and optimization; transaction
processing, concurrency control, recovery, and security issues in database systems; object-oriented and objectrelational databases; distributed databases; emerging database applications.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces personal skills, talents and abilities, study habits, research methodology, and other soft skills
to help students go through their undergraduate studies with more success.

Prerequisite: None
This course provides an introduction to the data science and combines analytic, programming and business
perspectives into easy to digest techniques and thought processes for solving real world data-centric problems.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces mathematical concepts related to the data science. The following topics will be covered the
following topics such as probability, optimization, calculus, linear algebra: discrete mathematics and statistics.
Applications of the theory to data science and machine learning will be developed.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of data science, including machine learning,
high-dimensional geometry, and analysis of large networks. Topics include algorithms for machine learning,
algorithms and analysis for clustering, probabilistic models for large networks.

Prerequisite: STAT 200
This course introduces the statistics fundamentals for data science. Topics include exploratory data analysis,
constructing and interpreting linear and generalized linear models.

Prerequisite: None
This course focuses on the managerial aspects of information security and assurance. Topics covered include access
control models, information security governance, and information security program assessment and metrics.
Coverage on the foundational and technical components of information security is included to reinforce key
concepts. The course includes up-to-date information on changes in the field, such as national and international laws
and international standards like the ISO 27000 series.

Prerequisite: None
This course covers the concepts of digital forensics, including introduction, digital forensics process, cybercrime
law, digital forensic readiness, computer forensics, mobile and embedded forensics, internet forensics, and
challenges in digital forensics. I also discuss performing forensic analysis on different types of devices such as PCs,
Macs, phones and other devices and the differences and main considerations of each one.

Prerequisite: COMP 250
The course introduces the students to the fundamentals of human computer interaction (HCI). In considering HCI as
an interface between the user and the computer, students will go through different fields of science like engineering,
psychology, market needs, and industry. The course covers topics like; interaction design, conceptualizing
interaction, cognitive design aspects, social interaction, emotional interaction, data gathering, data analysis,
interpretation, and presentation, data at scale, design, prototyping, and construction, interaction design in practice,
and interaction design evaluation.

Prerequisite: None
The course covers the concepts and applications of artificial intelligence. It discusses artificial intelligence as the
theory and development of computer systems capable of performing activities or solving problems with little or no
human involvement.

Prerequisite: None
This course provides an introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. Topics covered include
supervised learning: generative and discriminative learning, parametric and non-parametric learning, neural
networks, and support vector machines; unsupervised learning: k-means clustering, kernel methods, dimensionality
reduction; learning theory: bias and variance tradeoffs, and large margins; and adaptive control and reinforcement
learning. The course also discusses recent applications of machine learning such as speech recognition, text and web
data processing, robotics, autonomous navigation, bioinformatics, and data mining.

Prerequisite: None
The course will cover basic principles for robots with decision making aspects. The course will go over decision
making algorithmic approaches and applications for robot perception, human trust in robot and decision-making
when collaborating with robots, mobility, localization, rich interactive settings involving interactions with a dynamic
environment, mapping, assistive technology, driverless vehicles, cooperative mobile robots, and robots
manufacturing. Finally, the course will go over Robot Operating System (ROS).

Prerequisite: None
The course forms transmission from the human computer interaction to design an interactive intelligent system by
adding AI techniques and algorithms. The course will cover different applications and technologies implemented
using AI like web search, mobile autocomplete, mobile photo organizer, and voice assistant. It will cover some
human robot interaction like spatial, verbal, and nonverbal interaction. Finally, the course gives general guidelines to
design a successful human IA interaction application with considering ethical and social aspects.

Prerequisite: None
This course covers concepts of wireless and mobile security, including introduction to mobile and wireless
networks, vulnerabilities of wireless networks, wi-fi security, Bluetooth security, WiMAX security, security in
mobile networks, next generation of mobile networks.

Prerequisite: COMP 155
This course provides an opportunity for students to utilize their academic experience either through a research paper
or a project with their main focus on continuing their graduate studies or applying their skills in real world cases
through an employment.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
Credit Hour Breakdown: 135 hours of internship
This course represents an opportunity for students receive academic credit through supervised practical training in
networking and earn industry experience in an actual work environment. The internship course guides the learning
contract established in the beginning of the term, on which students have to report at the end of term. Students are expected to work at least 135 hours per semester. Students are required to attend two meetings/seminars with their
faculty advisor to determine learning objectives and assess how well learning objectives are being accomplished.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
Credit Hour Breakdown: 135 hours of internship
This course represents an opportunity for students receive academic credit through supervised practical training in
cybersecurity and earn industry experience in an actual work environment. The internship course guides the learning
contract established in the beginning of the term, on which students have to report at the end of term. Students are
expected to work at least 135 hours per semester. Students are required to attend two meetings/seminars with their
faculty advisor to determine learning objectives and assess how well learning objectives are being accomplished.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
Credit Hour Breakdown: 135 hours of internship
This course represents an opportunity for students receive academic credit through supervised practical training in
AI and earn industry experience in an actual work environment. The internship course guides the learning contract
established in the beginning of the term, on which students have to report at the end of term. Students are expected
to work at least 135 hours per semester. Students are required to attend two meetings/seminars with their faculty
advisor to determine learning objectives and assess how well learning objectives are being accomplished.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
Credit Hour Breakdown: 135 hours of internship
This course represents an opportunity for students receive academic credit through supervised practical training in
ML and earn industry experience in an actual work environment. The internship course guides the learning contract
established in the beginning of the term, on which students have to report at the end of term. Students are expected
to work at least 135 hours per semester. Students are required to attend two meetings/seminars with their faculty
advisor to determine learning objectives and assess how well learning objectives are being accomplished.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
Credit Hour Breakdown: 135 hours of internship
This course represents an opportunity for students receive academic credit through supervised practical training in
data science and earn industry experience in an actual work environment. The internship course guides the learning
contract established in the beginning of the term, on which students have to report at the end of term. Students are
expected to work at least 135 hours per semester. Students are required to attend two meetings/seminars with their
faculty advisor to determine learning objectives and assess how well learning objectives are being accomplished.

Prerequisite: None
This course covers the concepts of intrusion detection and prevention from different aspects. The topics include
network overview, infrastructure monitoring, IDS, proactive IPS, anomaly detection, web application firewalls,
wireless IDS/IPS, physical intrusion detection, geospatial intrusion detection, return on investment, etc.

Prerequisite: COMP 330
This course covers the concepts of cyber security in the realm of cloud computing. Topics include: cloud computing
basics, cloud computing models, security and compliance in the cloud, foundations of integrity and trustability in the
cloud, boundary control in the cloud, network security in the cloud, identity management in the cloud, virtual
machines and their security.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
This course will cover topics of current interest, specifically emerging topics and technologies in computer
networking selected by the faculty. Topics will be announced before each semester.

Prerequisite: COMP 378
The course will offer hands on robotics design using Python programming language. Students will dive deeply into
the field of robotics and stimulate their interests throughout their participation of the entire engineering design
process. This course will go over a quick introduction on robots, raspberry pi, design robot wheel, arms, sensors, and
motors. Then the students will go over programming the robot vision, communication and gamepad.

Prerequisite: None
The course explores the roles, needs, challenges, principles, trends, platforms, analytic lifecycle/methods, and
architectures/frameworks relevant to big data technology. Students will learn modern big data analytics
tools/systems. Students will solve problems by using big data analytics tools/systems.

Prerequisite: None
The course introduces the techniques and tools necessary to build natural language processing systems/applications.
It surveys the concepts and significance of the automatic manipulation of natural language by software. Students
will explore the field, tools, and modern practice of natural language processing.

Prerequisite: None
The course covers the fundamental concepts and techniques of computer vision and image processing. Topics
include formation of digital images, light propagation, color perception, optical systems, and analog-to-digital
conversion of signals. It surveys the formation, properties, and enhancement of digital images.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
This course will cover topics of current interest, specifically emerging topics and technologies in AI selected by the
faculty. Topics will be announced before each semester.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
This course will cover topics of current interest, specifically emerging topics and technologies in ML selected by the
faculty. Topics will be announced before each semester.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 90 credits
This course will cover topics of current interest, specifically emerging topics and technologies in Cybersecurity
selected by the faculty. Topics will be announced before each semester.

Prerequisite: COMP 330
This course introduces the use of machine learning algorithms and models to perform creative tasks. Topics covered
include how machine learning can be leveraged for creative applications across industries. Different types of
machine learning models will be explored, including Convolutional Neural Networks, and applied in creative tasks.
The course also discusses potential use and misuse of innovative technologies.

Prerequisite: COMP 330
The course focuses on the technologies, examples, and application of smart devices. It covers device communication
and interactions, connectivity of devices to cloud-based infrastructures, interoperability, distributed and edge
computing, data collection, and methods to derive information and knowledge from connected devices and systems
using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The course focuses also on smart cities and Internet of Things
infrastructure. In addition to the application that students will sill study, they will go through case studies of smart
cities in the United States and around the globe like UK, South Korea, and Brazil.

Prerequisite: COMP 330
The course covers the data, data types, preparation, visualization of data, patterns that can be mined, technologies
that can be used and major issues in data mining. It also covers mining technologies like frequent pattern mining,
association rules, Classification models, model efficiency, classification accuracy, cluster analysis and methods,
clustering and analyzing different type of data, Outlier detection and analysis using cluster based and classification
based techniques, cluster, classification and pattern mining of streaming data and specialized mining methods for
text data.

Prerequisite: None
The course introduces the fundamentals of protecting information technology resources from cyberattacks. It covers
the tools and penetration testing methodologies used by the ethical hackers. Students will also learn to select and
utilize tools to protect against security vulnerabilities.

Prerequisite: None
The course will cover basic topics in Cryptography by dividing it into two parts, that is, secret key cryptography and
Public key cryptography. The course contents include elements of cryptography and cryptanalysis, the classical
Cryptosystems, Enigma, DES and AES algorithms and their modes of operations, MACs and Hash functions, RSA
and ElGamal public key Cryptosystems, Hash Functions, Security protocols, PGP and Kerbros, X509 protocol, Zero
Knowledge Techniques, Digital Cash and Electronic Voting.

Prerequisite: COMP 260
This course covers security concepts related to the operating systems. The course describes security threats in the
Operating System scope and then focuses on Windows operating system and discusses the security topics in
conjunction with Windows OS. The course looks at security measures for Windows, protection against malware,
audit tools and group policies. And it also looks at ways to harden the Windows Operating System.

Prerequisite: None
The course will feature the Interconnected IoT devices and their security, Smart City security architecture and
security challenges. Privacy and Application security feature of Smart City will be covered. The course also covers
challenges faced when integration technologies in Smart City applications including Big Data cybersecurity and
Smart homes. Securing Free public Wi-Fi and Privacy preservation of E-Government, Smart Transport system,
fraud detection and privacy concerns of augmentation of personal lifestyle of Smart Cities.

Prerequisite: None
The course covers Seven domains of IT infrastructure, identification of Hardware, software and personal assets,
identification of threats, vulnerabilities and exploits to the assets, Analyzing Risk mitigation and security controls,
Risk assessment approaches, challenges and best practices, Risk assessment methodologies, Regulations and laws,
standards, guidelines, policies, Planning Risk mitigation, Business impact analysis and disaster recovery plans.

Prerequisite: COMP 432
The course surveys the frameworks, models, and mechanisms relevant to the cybersecurity governance and
compliance. Students will explore the frameworks and models that can be deployed to be in compliance with
business related regulations as well as to withstand different forms of cyberattacks.

Prerequisite: COMP 120
During this course, students will develop basic skills for obtaining, cleaning, transforming, and visualizing realworld datasets using the R programming language and the RStudio integrated development environment. Statistical methods for analyzing, interpreting, and predicting dataset trends are then introduced and approached from a
computational point of view using randomization and simulation. Additional topics may be covered, such as an
introduction to advanced or special topics like cross-validation.

Prerequisite: STAT 200
This course introduces the statistics and computational foundations of machine learning. Topics covered include
probability (random variables, modeling with continuous and discrete distributions), linear algebra (inner product
spaces, linear operators), and multivariate differential calculus (partial derivatives, matrix differentials) as applicable
to the machine learning. Topics covered include computational complexity, analysis of algorithms, proof techniques,
optimization, dynamic programming, recursion, and data structures. Students will apply the mathematical and
computation concepts by writing programs.

Prerequisite: COMP 230
This course provides a range of numerical solutions for problems in natural sciences, social sciences, engineering,
and business. The topics are included but not limited to linear systems of equations, matrix topic and properties,
nonlinear equations, polynomials, and more. At the advanced level, topics would be approximation methods,
differential equations, extrapolation methods, and error propagation.

Prerequisite: COMP 250
The course has two parts namely the theory and hands on. The theory will cover the topics like: Distributed system
architecture, File system, processing, Transection management, communications, Concurrency control, reliability,
recovery, replication and security in the context of distributed data storage and processing. The hands-on part of the
course will cover distributed processing using Hadoop and MapReduce. Students are required to demonstrate that
they can install, configure and use Hadoop at the end of the class.

Prerequisite: None
The course will cover the concepts of assumptions, characteristics and role of scientific research and analytic skills
needed for design, data sampling and analysis of experimental results. The course also covers internal and external
research validation skills, control techniques. Qualitative and quantitative research methods, random and nonrandom
sampling techniques, Descriptive and inferential statistical skills, trend analysis, linear modeling techniques and
analysis of convergence, research report presentation.

Prerequisite: None
This course introduces personal skills, talents and abilities, study habits, research methodology, and other soft skills
to help students go through their undergraduate studies with more success.

Prerequisite: None
Topics covered in this course include AWS cloud, the basic global infrastructure, architectural principles, basic
security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model, basic/core characteristics of
deploying and operating in the AWS cloud .Completion of this course will help prepare students for the AWS Cloud
Practitioner certification exam.

Prerequisite: None
Topics covered in this course include machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, ML algorithms, machine
learning algorithms and pipelines, supervised and unsupervised machine learning models. Completion of this course
will help prepare students for the IBM AI Engineering Professional Test.

Prerequisite: COMP 270
Topics covered in this course include networking architectures, cabling, Ethernet, network installations, TCP/IP and
its applications, remote technology, wireless networking, network monitoring and troubleshooting. Completion of
this course will help prepare students for the CompTIA Network+ certification exam.

Prerequisite: COMP 345
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to assess & evaluate the security of an IT infrastructure
or environment and to recommend & implement the appropriate security solutions. Students will gain the awareness
of security related laws/policies/regulations, including principles of governance, risk, and compliance. Student will
learn to identify, analyze, and respond to security events and incidents. Completion of this course will prepare
students to sit for the CompTIA Security+ certification exam.

Prerequisite: COMP 432
Topics covered in this course include. how to implement and run machine learning workloads using Azure Machine
Learning Service, run data experiments, manage, train and deploy models, managing and optimizing models.
Completion of this course will help prepare students for the Data Science Solution on Azure certification exam.

Prerequisite: None
The course will cover SAS programing steps like data preparation, use of SAS procedures and data analytics. The
course will have a detailed discussion of data analytics process, Data visualization, Normal distribution, descriptive
and inferential statistics, the variance, linear regression, logistic regression, Predictive Models, Preparing input for
model and performance evaluations.

Prerequisite: COMP 390
This course provides a hands-on experience to undergraduate students as related to their area of interest within the
scope of the program. The objective is to give students insights and access to information that will help them
complete a project in this course. Students in this seminar course are expected to work under the direct supervision
of the faculty advisor of the course. Students are required to attend as many meetings/seminars as needed and
specified by the faculty advisor and be able to determine how well the learning objectives of the course are

Prerequisite: None
Academic Writing focuses on reviewing the fundamentals of standard written English for academic purposes. Students
will practice writing common forms of academic documents and demonstrate the ability to successfully use APA
formatting. This interactive class provides students with an opportunity to improve their academic writing skills
necessary for success in college and beyond.

Prerequisite: None
This course provides a survey of physical, cultural, and economic aspects of world regions. It serves as an introduction
to how constituent parts of the world differ from one another in their associated resources, cultures, and economics.
Attention is given to the interrelationships, interdependencies, and associations that bind together the diverse
communities of the world.

Prerequisite: None
This course provides an introduction to the dynamics of the earth –volcanoes, earthquakes, plate tectonics, rivers and
streams, groundwater, glaciers, waves, wind, and landslides –with an emphasis on the environment applications of
these processes. This course also covers tools of the geologist, for example maps and aerial photographs.

Prerequisite: None
This course compares political processes and governing structures in European nations, the former Soviet Union,
China, and the United States.

Prerequisite: None
The class is designed to provide students with a core understanding of American politics and society and inspire their
interest and possibly involvement in the American political system. It is comprised of three main modules. The first
part of the course explores the historic, cultural and religious origins of the American state and focuses on the issues
of American exceptionalism, national identity, religious roots and early political development. The second module
centers on the key principles, institutions, and decision-making processes of the American political system, and
evaluates the basis strengths and weaknesses of American modern governance. Finally, module three, examines some
of the most current and prominent dilemmas in modern American life, including the politics of race, social security,
health care and gender issues.

Prerequisite: None
World History is the only course offering students an overview of the entire history of humankind. The major emphasis
is on the study of significant people, events, and issues from the earliest times to the present. Traditional historical
points of reference in world history are identified as students analyze important events and issues in western
civilization as well as in civilizations in other parts of the world.

Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to provide a conceptual understanding and overview of the major disciplines of the humanities
including music, theatre, cinema, visual arts, philosophy, and literature. This course will help students hone their
critical thinking, interpretation, and discussion skills.

Prerequisite: None
The purpose of this course is to develop each student’s capacity to learn in order to apply that capacity to selffulfillment and social performance throughout life. Since life’s conditions are always changing and requiring new
knowledge and skills, we often find ourselves in the role of beginner. As a beginner, we can allow ourselves to live
with wonder, to give ourselves permission to make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes. We can learn to trust
those who can teach us as we advance from beginner through competence, proficiency, and expertise to eventual
mastery in those areas of life to which we dedicate ourselves. Students will explore learning styles and learning design
principles to support learning and the capacity to learn. Students will explore the language of being though speech
acts and practices of presence. Students will become observers of their own speaking and listening, and through
language and learning, students will understand and develop new worldviews and possibilities in life.

Prerequisite: None
We commonly speak of thinking patterns in one of two models. Some begin with the general or big picture and move
to the specifics in an effort to find a solution to the challenge or opportunity each situation presents. Others use the
pattern of moving from the specific to the general pattern by focusing on the details and aligning them so a big picture
view can emerge. This course is designed to allow us to integrate both types of thinking into a holistic approach for
developing our worldview. It introduces a cohesive and comprehensive system of thinking that provides a
methodology for looking at the macro and micro issues simultaneously. The course introduces us to a practical and
usable change technology that helps us align and connect all the variables, stakeholders, cultures, sub-cultures, and
other interests of a complete system.

We begin by exploring the holistic model of worldviews developed by Clare Graves and Don Beck and conclude with
an emphasis on the application of the model to real-world issues. Students will be able to incorporate these practices
into the assessment and development of their particular worldview and take effective action in developing solutions
at macro and micro levels across multiple domains of human concerns.

Prerequisite: None
The purpose of this course is to broaden the student’s worldview in the context of global citizenship. Being a global
citizen requires an understanding and awareness of the context of that citizenship through an exploration of the
conditions shaping our future from a global perspective. The first part of this course defines the meaning and
practices of global citizenship. In subsequent weeks, students will explore the nature of globalization through lenses
of power, interdependence, issues of sustainability, conflict at international and regional levels, and corporate
responsibility. In later weeks of the course, possible actions for addressing global issues are introduced.
This course is a participatory seminar. We will discuss assigned readings, audiovisual materials, and discoveries
gleaned from experiential exercises. Participants are expected to carefully review readings before class and
contribute actively in seminar discussions.

Prerequisite: None
The purpose of this course is to broaden the student’s worldview and engender pro-social values and practices.
Being a global citizen includes cultural awareness, embracing diversity, promoting social justice, and
responsibilities to act. This course explores the concept of citizenship, what constitutes meaningful citizenship, and
the global dimensions of citizenship. Students will explore worldviews and values aligned with being a global
citizen. Furthermore, students will explore the commitments and practices of being a global citizen and the
differences it can make.
This course is a participatory seminar. We will discuss assigned readings, audiovisual materials, and discoveries
gleaned from experiential exercises. Participants are expected to carefully review readings before class and
contribute actively in seminar discussions.

Prerequisite: None
This course is intended to prepare students for the study of calculus. It includes a review of algebra; arithmetic
operations, fractions, factoring, the quadratic formula, radicals, and exponents. This course also serves as an
introduction to linear, polynomial, trigonometric, rational, and logarithmic functions. Graphs of functions are also
covered throughout the course.

Prerequisite: MATH 160
This course covers functions, limits, the derivative, maximum and minimum problems, the integral and transcendental

Prerequisite: None
This course introducesthe study of philosophy through the history of philosophical thought and texts. It also introduces
a broad spectrum of philosophical problems and perspectives with an emphasis on the systematic questioning of basic
assumptions about knowledge, meaning, reality, and values.

Prerequisite: None
This course covers the principles of mechanics, heat, electricity, magnetism, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics.

Prerequisite: None
This course examines human and animal behavior, relating experimental studies to practical problems. It includes
topics such as learning, memory, motivation, stress, emotion, intelligence, development, personality, therapy,
psychopathology, and social psychology.

Prerequisite: None
This purpose of this course is to introduce students to the diversity in religions of the world and to provide an overview
of select religious traditions from around the globe. Students will learn to compare and contrast the various religions
to be covered including some of the following: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, and new religious traditions. Students will be able to make cross-cultural connections through an
understanding of historical facts, religious institutions, and an understanding of the basic tenets and texts surrounding
the religious traditions covered in the course. The course will help students develop an understanding of the influence
of religion on culture, social and political systems, and personal action.

Prerequisite: None
This course examines patterns in political institutions, public policy, and conflict within and between communities
and interest groups.

Prerequisite: None
The purpose of this course is to pursue the practices of learning and being. The content of this course includes concepts
and practices of observation, awareness of cognitive bias, brainstorming, critical thinking, problem-solving, decisionmaking, and priority-setting. The central goal of this course is to empower students to think more clearly and
analytically about what they believe and be more effective in social performance.
Human beings bring a wide range of cognitive biases to our worldview and these biases can lead us to reach invalid
conclusions and make decisions that make subsequent action both ineffective and inefficient. This course begins with
building capacity to observe with an emphasis on openness to a “world to word” way of being as opposed to projecting
our beliefs onto the world or living a “word to world” approach.
Tools and processes for exploring possibilities through brainstorming, critical thinking, problem-solving, decisionmaking, and priority-setting are introduced and practiced in a variety of situations inside and outside the classroom.
Throughout the semester, we will emphasize the application of course material to real-world issues. Students will be
able to incorporate these practices into the assessment and development of their particular worldview.

Prerequisite: None
Self-fulfillment is the combination of the hopes we have for our lives, as well as the plans we create to achieve them.
When you know what fulfills you, you can make a conscious effort to design your life around it. This course is about
discovery – exploring our livesfor what we find fulfilling and meaningful, declaring our commitments, and developing
plans and practices that move us forward in fulfilling our commitments and creating a meaningful life. We will focus
on learning and practicing how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, cultivate what is best within yourself, and apply
principles of design thinking to enhancing your experiences of life across all domains of action including work, family,
community, personal development, and play.
This course is a participatory seminar. We will discuss assigned readings, audiovisual materials, and discoveries
gleaned from experiential exercises. Participants are expected to carefully review readings before class and contribute
actively in seminar discussions.

Prerequisite: None
The purpose of this course is to explore possibilities and build your capacities for career success – regardless of what
you choose to do or the organizations you join. Over the next fifteen weeks, we will explore ideas, tools, and processes
for designing a career where you can find purpose and meaning, and develop those capabilities that are critical for
career success regardless of your work. As with the recommended (but not required) prerequisites, this course is built
on the foundations of self-awareness and reflection as essential conditions for realizing your full potential in all
domains of action and being. We urge you to focus on both conditions as you engage in each week’s assigned activities.
This course is a participatory seminar. We will discuss assigned readings, audiovisual materials, and discoveries
gleaned from experiential exercises. Participants are expected to carefully review readings before class and contribute
actively in seminar discussions.

Prerequisite: None
The purpose of this course is to explore possibilities and build your capacity to have social impact through career
activities – regardless of what you choose to do or the organizations you join. Over the next fifteen weeks, we will
explore ideas, tools, and processes for creating social impact, help you find purpose and additional meaning for your
career through social impact, and help develop those capabilities that make social impact possible. As with the
recommended (but not required) prerequisites, this course is built on the foundations of self-awareness and
reflection as essential conditions for realizing your full potential in all domains of action and being. We urge you to
focus on both conditions as you engage in each week’s assigned activities.
This course is a participatory seminar. We will discuss assigned readings, audiovisual materials, and discoveries
gleaned from experiential exercises. Participants are expected to carefully review readings before class and
contribute actively in seminar discussions.

Prerequisite: None
We spend a good part of our waking hours in the act of thinking, which could be described as private conversations
with ourselves. Some are of value in leading us to effective action and well-being. Others become barriers to action
and well-being. The purpose of this course is to introduce concepts, tools, and processes of thinking to help you take
effective action and find your way forward without being overwhelmed by life’s challenges. We will explore
approaches to thinking developed by philosophers over many centuries and discuss lessons learned from everyday
life in applying those approaches. This course will help you be more effective and efficient in finding solutions to
the challenges and opportunities you encounter throughout life.
This course is a participatory seminar. We will discuss assigned readings, audiovisual materials, and discoveries
gleaned from experiential exercises. Participants are expected to carefully review readings before class and
contribute actively in seminar discussions.

Prerequisite: None
The purpose of this course is to provide concepts, tools, and processes to help you engage in career planning
throughout your lifetime and prepare you for being a leader regardless of your roles and career path. The focus is on
generating career options, determining priorities, setting goals, developing plans, and taking action – always keeping
in mind that we live in a dynamic, complex, and evolving world. This ever-changing context of our lives requires us
to continue to learn and redesign throughout our lives in support of our evolving values, beliefs, worldviews, and
commitments as reflected in this quote:
“A well-designed life is a life that is generative – it is constantly creative, productive, changing, evolving, and there
is always the possibility of surprise.” – Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, Designing Your Life
This course is a participatory seminar. We will discuss assigned readings, audiovisual materials, and discoveries
gleaned from experiential exercises. Participants are expected to carefully review readings before class and
contribute actively in seminar discussions.


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