Lucy Umoetok
Lucy Umoetok

FXUA has been an avenue for enrichment and growth for me, not only academically but with regards to my career and most importantly my persona. FXUA has given me a platform to attain Scholarships and On-campus work opportunities in a manner that gave me the opportunity to pave my way through Graduate School.

At FXUA, I have had the opportunity to not only further my studies but to be part and parcel of events and activities here at FXUA. One of the events I was fortunate to be a part of, was the FXUA 2018 Graduation ceremony as a winner of the FXUA Spring 2018 Talent Show- just to name a few. FXUA’s approach to students and learning is an interactive and hands-on approach from Admissions Representatives to FXUA Administrative staff to Professors, from all walks of life.

It has given my studies a diverse and dynamic approach to the work environment. It has furthered my academic welfare in a manner that has been encouraging and truly supportive in nature. Thanks to FXUA I can look forward to a future that is bright and exciting!

Lucy Umoetok

MBA in Accounting