Benyomo Marie Murielle
Benyomo Marie Murielle

I first joined FXUA in Spring of 2018 semester as an international student in the School of Public and International Affairs and I became a student staff (library assistant) in May 2018. The diversity at FXUA makes everyone contribute in their own unique experiences, that makes a much richer learning environment. I daily encounter brilliant students, great team-mates who care about one another and perform with excellence and fair treatment. I am enjoying my time here at FXUA, I know a lot of wonderful people, I am working hard, and feel like I am making an impact. The work and learning environment give you the opportunity to have an idea and see it come to fruition – you really see that you are making a difference.

I have to mention that FXUA is a stress-free environment. The different departments are dedicated to helping students grow academically. The staff is knowledgeable and well versed with corresponding fields. All the events, workshops, open discussions I have taken part in were very insightful. I woke up every morning excited to come to FXUA, which is not the norm for many people in the workforce today I would say. I truly appreciate the atmosphere here in FXUA; I am exposed to various cultures and I pick up new skills each time I participate in an extra-curricular activity. In my experience, different perspectives on the same problem ultimately result in the most effective solution. Life in FXUA is a daily learning experience! FXUA, I am grateful!

Benyomo Marie Murielle

MPA in Public Management