Dr. Tammy Bankus

Adjunct Faculty

General Education

Dr. Tammy Bankus

Dr. Bankus has a career that spans over 25 years in the areas of education and psychology, with 16 of those years working in different government agencies. Dr. Bankus has a passion for learning and holds a Ph.D. in instructional design and technology, curriculum and instruction from Old Dominion University, Ed.S in educational psychology and instructional technology with additional emphasis in gifted education, special education, and statistics, M.Ed in Adult Education from the University of Georgia (UGA), and M.S. in psychology from Georgia College and State University, along with achieving Executive Leadership Certificates from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Virginia. She also received her Chief Learning Officer certification from George Mason University. In the past she taught courses in the areas of psychology, special education, and instructional design. Dr. Bankus is a strong supporter of evidence-based learning innovations and believes in the need to push our limits as we fully embrace future possibilities.